Now that I have a set of recipes that the family tends to like I find I'm playing the greatest hits over and over. I'm sure once the season changes I'll throw in some different hits but for now life is easier this way. Do you find you play the classic meals every week? I think this is often the case.
Sundays I spend baking up bread for the week, making the cinnamon rolls, making up the waffles that I freeze for our morning breakfast and an extra batch of cookies to keep on hand. If your in the kitchen anyway...then why not make it all. Oh, and I almost forgot the extra batches of pizza dough to keep in the fridge to pull out if requested and the pizza is requested often.
This probably makes the blog boring...but the real purpose of the blog was to keep track of what new recipes I was making so I could remember what works and what not to ever make again. The process has been good but making new recipes all the time can be a challenge 1. to have all the ingredients on hand and 2. to have the time to research what it is I'd like to make.
wow..I just looked outside and it's snowing again. Good thing I started the cinnamon rolls...those are the best with hot coffee on a really cold day. And so winter is here to stay.