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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Feeling like fall

This morning there was a hint of fall in the air...ok, I'm lying.  There really wasn't a hint of fall but it was 59 degrees at 5:15am?  That has to count for something.

While I will mourn our summer days coming to a close ...and yes, even after the bitchin hot summer we've had, I will still be sad to see the summer dress days in the review mirror.  I always love fall...why?  I think we are trained as children to love fall.  New school clothes, school supplies and new friends along with getting back to a routine that is stimulating makes fall extra special.

As an adult I love fall because:
  • staying cozy by a warm fire
  • baking cookies...lots and lots of cookies
  • pumpkins -love the bread, the pies and the cookies 
  • fall fashion!  still warm enough to not have to wear the crazy heavy coats
  • fun new T.V. shows, let me know if you find any really good ones
  • anticipation of the holidays without the stress
  • coffee tastes better in fall
  • the fall colors in nature
  • I feel like cooking again ( I never really feel like "cooking" in summer...)
 And so, I expect that I will start posting more recipes if I can get my act together. We'll see if I can grow my repertoire.  If not you'll just be seeing repeats and me wishing I had more time to plan better meals.