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Saturday, December 14, 2013


German translation - peppernuts

Cut into small circles these cookies are peppery and nut shaped and a family favorite.  Fashioning a tool to get the perfect shape seems to be a challenge.  My husbands great grandmother used a thimble to cut each out and a toothpick to get the cookie dough out of the thimble.  His grandfather cut down a metal funnel.  I melted a plastic apple cutter and that lasted 16 years but broke this year on. Y first batch.  My husband's sister our down a plastic funnel and that is what I plan to try this week.

Melt together
2 cups kyro syrup
1 cup sugar
1 cup butter
Stir together
6-7 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon cloves
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Dissolve 1 teaspoon baking soda in a little cold water
Mix all together and store in a large Tupperware for a weak

Cut the cookies and bake at 375  for about 15 minutes... They should be they bear brown but not burned.  The cookies above are darker than they should be.

Wait to cool ...that's when they harden and crisp up.  


Christmas Cookie Intentions

Has anyone been way too behind in life itself to make the cookies they envisioned they would have this season? It's amazing that 2 years ago I made so many cookies my house was bursting with them.  It was great...kept me from spending money and shopping ...that's another topic.  Should I take that tangent now...ok.  

Anyone having a hard time not buying stuff that is not for Christmas?  The sales are beyond incredible right now.  Old Navy currently has these fleece jackets on sale for $8 in the store!!!!!  (they are $10 online)  How do you NOT buy one in every color despite that you don't NEED one in every color.  Even to put away for when you need a gift for someone?...or so you tell yourself when you are buying 3 at the check out counter and then promptly wear one as soon as you get home.  ERGH.

OK.. Back to the topic of cookies.  I had INTENTIONS of making cookies but finding out about my gluten sensitivity has taken some of the fun out of it.  The real time gets away from me.  We are all distracted Americans and pride ourselves in being too busy. This is not good.  

We need to enjoy the season and sometimes cookie making can be sort of zen.

I will have to schedule the time to make cookies.  I mean I have to ... the in-laws are flying in from Seattle in a few days and  I am completely out of pfeffernusse!!!  I broke my special tool for cutting them out.  I'd like my next batch to be gluten free.  I'll post the recipe when I make them this week. 

For today?  I'll make the dough for pfeffernusse (it is supposed to sit for 7 days but I'll cook them Tuesday - I hope).  Cookie intentions.